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This Jumpking Backyard 3 in 1 Trainer is a fun and exciting with multiple sports station Jumpking Backyard 3 in 1 Trainer improve your control of the ball from head to toe technique Increase passing and receiving ability with the true-roll action giving players the repetition they need to get the precision they want With two retractable wing sides, you can improve rebounds Investing in sports equipment means investing in your training and athletic goals Improve your soccer, football and basketball skills accuracy with Jumpking Backyard 3 In 1 Trainer Kids can run around and have their choice of dunking a basketball, throwing a football or kicking a soccer ball into several targets The face and 2 side panel mat features target zones to improve your accuracy in various sports including baseball, softball, football, soccer and basketball hoop for then jump & dunkJumpking 3 in 1 Trainer : Frame dimension:7.08’ Width x 7.25’ Height 34 pcs of 3.5″ galvanized springsOne ball accessory for practiceYellow powder coated frame