Head over to Mercury Magazines where they are giving away a 1-year subscription to Vogue Magazine through September 30th, or while supplies last! There are no ties attached, and you will not be charged. You don’t even have to submit your payment card details.

To be eligible for this magazine offer, you must first answer a few questions about your present job. If you are not currently employed, explore the following options:

For Company Size, select 1-4 employees.
Select “Other Industries” as the Industry and “Homemaker” as the Sub Industry.
Select “General Management” and “Human Resources” as Job Functions.
Select “Manager” as your job title (since you are the management of your household!)

Mercury Magazine should send you an email confirming your order after you enter all of your contact information. The email will be sent from orders@mercurymagazines.com and will have the subject “Thank You For Your Order.” Expect your first issue to arrive in 6-10 weeks. Please keep in mind that your email may take up to an hour to arrive and may be routed to your spam folder.