PayPal is Offering Select PayPal Accounts$10 Off Your Next Purchase of $50 or More at w/ PayPal Checkout (must choose as payment method) after you place the offer to your account or when following the instructions listed below.

Note, must load the offer to your PayPal account, obtain the required amount, and pay w/ PayPal as your payment method for a discount to apply. Please check your PayPal account for eligibility


  1. Login to or sign up for your PayPal account
  2. Go to the PayPal Offers page
  3. On the large banner under “Deals and offers”, use the side-scrolling arrow button on the right side of the banner to browse through your available deals. Look for the Walmart offer for “Get $10 Off Your Next $50+ Purchase when you pay with PayPal
  4. Click Save Offer
  5. Go to your PayPal Wallet and confirm the “Walmart $10” offer shows in the Offers section of the sidebar
  6. Continue to shop at Walmart Website with items of $50 or more
  7. At checkout, continue to pay with your PayPal payment only.
  • You must choose PayPal as a payment method and will need to click edit then + More if PayPal is not default payment method)
  1. You’ll get an email via PayPal about your order and the discount applied to your order
  • Note, the order will show up on your PayPal summary page, but the discount may not be shown correctly on the Walmart Payment page.