Through June 8th, hurry over to your local Target stores to score this Instant Pot Aura 6-Quart Multi-Cooker on sale for ONLY $59.95, instead of the regular price of $129.95. Plus, through July 6th, get it for ONLY $41.96 when you use the 30% off Instant Pot Aura Multi-Cooker Cartwheel Offer. This same multi-cooker is also on sale online for ONLY $69.95 with FREE shipping. You can save and extra 10% in cart with order pickup and get it for ONLY $62.95.

In Store Deal:

? Buy Instant Pot Aura 6-Quart Multi-Cooker = $59.95
Use 30% off Instant Pot Aura Multicooker Cartwheel Offer (x7/6) = -$17.98
Final Price: $41.96 (Reg $130)

Online Deal:

Instant Pot Aura 6-Quart Multi-Cooker
ONLY $69.95 (Reg $130) + FREE Shipping
* or $62.95 + FREE Store Pickup

This is good for roasting, stewing, baking, as a steamer, a slow cooker, a sear or sauté pan, a rice cooker, and a yogurt maker. It can also warm your favorite dishes just by pressing a button. Please note that this does not have a pressure cooker function.