University of Texas and State Farm Insurance presents free virtual coding classes

Dates: December 26-29, 2023 and Jan 2-5, 2024 (total 8 days). Registration or RSVP not required. Click on the link and join at the specified time:

TopicTimingGrade levelsMS Teams link
Animations using MIT Scratch Signup
Enjoyable Coding with Alice & JavaScript Signup
Creative Coding with JavaScript (p5js)Signup
Problem Solving in JavaSignup
Problem Solving in PythonSignup

All sessions (except Alice) require Windows PC/laptop, MacBook or Chromebook. Chromebook will  NOT work for Alice camp though. Also, all camps (except Alice) use web-based tools – there is nothing to download and install. Alice tool can be downloaded from (English Gallery Complete is preferred).

We will record all the sessions and store them in

Custodial Responsibility Disclaimer

The University of Texas at Dallas  Computer Science department will not take custodial responsibility of minors while participating in these Winter Break Coding Sessions. Custodial responsibility will remain with the parents & legal guardians.

We will try our best to keep the sessions as trouble-free as possible. Please monitor your children often to make sure everything is OK!

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