Starbucks is running a NEW Starbucks Starland 50th Anniversary Game through October 24th, in which Starbucks Rewards Members (free to join) can play twice a day for a chance to win FREE beverages for up to four years! You can also win weekly prizes, quick prizes, all-expense-paid trips, $50 Gift Cards, and a lot of Stars!

How to Participate

Sign in to your Starbucks Rewards account on the Promotion Site. For registering for the Promotion, each entrant will earn one gameplay.
Make a purchase at Starbucks by scanning your Starbucks app or using a Starbucks Card or associated payment option.
Visit the Promotion Site and follow the links and instructions to complete and submit the entry form without making a purchase. There is a daily restriction of two entries.

Go here for additional information on the regulations!